Learn about Simeken PRO™ System’s low emissions rates and Pyrolytic Resource Recovery System (PRRS).
Green Energy: Results of the Simeken PRO™
The Simeken PRO™ System is a proven, economical and environmentally positive way to convert various types of solid wastes into energy. We offer technical, financial, and supporting information available here.
Case Studies
Please feel free to download and peruse any of the following studies:
“Pyrolysis Transformation of Organic Wastes-Results of Full-Scale Trial Demonstrations” by M. Snow and K. López
"Pyrolysis gasification of organic wastes has been under development for over 20 years as a method to process organic wastes. The process involves the gasification under vacuum of solid and liquid organic wastes into syngas or oil fuel streams and inorganic residuals. Historically, the technology has struggled to demonstrate technical and financial viability. This paper describes the initial results of full-scale trial demonstrations conducted using the Simeken Inc. pyrolysis technology to process wood wastes and scrap tires. The initial performance of the technology to process these wastes is presented in terms of air emissions quality, energy throughput, and quality of carbon char generated. Finally, a preliminary financial model is presented for a candidate project in Mexico."
“Technology Evaluation and Economic Analysis of Waste Tire Pyrolysis, Gasification, and Liquefaction” by the State of California Integrated Waste Management Board
"Pyrolysis, gasification, and liquefaction (PGL) represent a viable alternative for the disposal of scrap tires (also referred to as "waste tires" in this report). These technologies are currently used for the conversion of carbonaceous materials more extensively in Europe and Japan than in California, but may become more important as the supplies of natural fuels become depleted. The objective of this report was to assess the technological, environmental, and economic features of the application of PGL to process scrap tires.
"The ability to produce a range of products can add to the marketability of a PGL system. Products resulting from PGL processes include electricity, chemicals, and diesel fuel, as well as residual carbon black. The products can be used to expand the current uses of scrap tires that include retreading, civil engineering applications, and TDF. Estimates were made of the potential value of scrap tires transformed by PGL in terms of electricity, fuels, and other products. It was found that a hypothetical tire PGL facility with a capacity of 5 million tires per year can produce a gross revenue of over $13.2 million per year, from the combined sales of $9.4 million from synthetic diesel fuel, $1.25 million from the sale of process heat at natural gas equivalent prices, $1.7 million from the sale of off-peak electricity, and $0.8 million from the sale of the recovered steel. On a per-tire basis, the product costs ranged from $2.63 for gasification to $1.29 for liquefaction. Capital costs for PGL facilities were found to range from $621 to $828 per metric ton per year."
With our exclusive patented process, the PRO™ has eliminated all moving parts from inside the system. This makes the Simeken PRO™ unique in its simplicity, effectiveness and reliable performance.
The PRO™ System is more effective than other available technologies because of its:
- Unique Features
- Low Emission Results
Waste Wood
Simeken units are environmentally sound, have outstanding energy efficiency, and are readily transportable. The heart and primary component of the Pyrolytic Resource Recovery System (PRRS) is the unique Simeken PRO™ System - the oven where our advanced pyrolysis actually occurs.
The PRO™ System is designed to eliminate the complex mechanisms normally utilized to convey the material being pyrolyzed through a PPO (Pyrolytic Process Oven). The high initial cost, high maintenance cost and extremely high failure rate of the conveyance means of prior PPO's is the main reason that most of the systems tried have been economically unsustainable.
The PRO™ System is designed to accomplish the transfer of the process heat to the product being pyrolyzed much more efficiently, and without causing hot spots, structural distortion and oven "burnout" as has been experienced with prior systems.
The PRO™ System, incorporating a uniquely shaped Retort Oven and carefully designed transitional gas flows, effects conveyance of the material being pyrolyzed in a "free fall" fashion through the Retort Oven sometimes assisted by sinusoidal action.
The PRO™ System is designed to provide more heat exchange surface for the heat duty requirement that prior systems and provides a unique means for amplifying the heat transfer through bringing the material being pyrolyzed into direct contact with the hot inert flue gas.
The PRO™ System is much safer than prior units due to the inert flue gas being used to continuously purge oxygen from inside the Retort Oven thus preventing combustion of the material being pyrolyzed.
An added value is that the introduction of the inert flue gas into the process vapour reduces the generation of NOx emissions when the process vapour is combusted in the Thermal Oxidizer.
The PRO™ System now makes the pyrolysis process a viable option for converting waste products into valuable commodities like biochar.
Simeken PRO™ Trial Clean Air Results
To demonstrate the cleanliness of Simeken PRO™ emissions, Simeken conducted full-scale trial demonstrations in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, focusing on processing waste tires and wood wastes, common management challenges around the world.
The result of air emissions testing on this large-scale pyrolysis system processing 75 tonnes per day of organic wastes during commercial applications can be seen in two tables:
Simeken PRO™ Waste Wood Trial Air Emissions Results(1)
(1) Results obtained via two functional test performed by independent third-party lab Ecotech Laboratories of Libramiento Emillio Portes Gil #2021 entre Loma Bonita y Gema Col. La Joya, H. Matamoros, Tam., Mexico, and ABC laboratories of Jacarandas No. 15. San Clemente, Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01740, on May 10, 2005 and May 25, 2005 respectively.
(2) Per Title 40 of the US Code of Federal Regulations Part 60 Subpart AAAA. The comparisons of the trial results from Mexico with subpart AAAA is based on the fact that both sets of results are calculated using 7% Oxygen and extremely similar test methods.
(3) Dioxins and furans were tested and results were obtained via independent third party, ABC laboratories of Jacarandas No. 15. San Clemente, Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01740, on June 30, 2005.
Simeken PRO™ Tire Trial Air Emissions Results (1)
(1) Results obtained via two functional test performed by independent third party lab Ecotech Laboratories of Libramiento Emillio Portes Gil #2021 entre Loma Bonita y Gema Col. La Joya, H. Matamoros, Tam., Mexico, and ABC laboratories of Jacarndas No. 15. San Clemente, Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01740, on May 10, 2005 and May 25, 2005 respectively.
(2) Per Title 40 of the US Code of Federal Regulations Part 60 Subpart AAAA. The comparisons of the trial results from Mexico with subpart AAAA is based on the fact that both sets of results are calculated using 7% Oxygen and extremely similar test methods.
(3) Results obtain for particulates exceeded permissible limits due to a improperly installed filtering mesh located in the Scrubbing unit. The mesh was reinstalled and the tests was performed again flawlessly.
(4) Dioxins and furans were tested and results were obtain via independent third party, ABC laboratories of Jacarndas No. 15. San Clemente, Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01740, on June 30, 2005.
The Material Flow Diagram offers a comprehensible picture of the PRO™ System process.
Interested in obtaining the PRO™ System?
Give us a call and learn how we can custom design the PRO™ for your needs.